Authority & B&PSC Meetings

Page review/updated 26/03/2024


This page and the folders below (please scroll down) provide you with access to information relating to the following meetings:

  • Full Authority Meetings
  • Byelaw & Permitting Sub-Committee (B&PSC) Meetings

Arrangements are made to enable the general public to attend meetings. The agenda/s and the papers (suitable for publication) referred to at different meetings are posted in the folders set out below. 


D&S IFCA’s byelaw work and the related decision making is the responsibility of the D&S IFCA Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee (B&PSC). The B&PSC has delegated powers (from the full Authority) for decision making. The last three B&PSC meetings were held on 31st August 2023 (finalised minutes click here), 16th November 2023 (finalised minutes click here), and 22nd February 2024. Draft minutes from 22nd February are now being prepared. All Officers’ papers and reports presented to the B&PSC can be read by opening the folders set out below.


The last two Authority meetings were held on 25th January 2024 and 21st March 2024. Finalised minutes from the January meeting can be read here. Draft minutes from the March meeting are being prepared.

Publishing Minutes from Meetings:

In September 2021 the Authority agreed that draft minutes for Authority and Sub-Committee meetings would be published on the website, before they are formally approved for accuracy at the following meetings. Draft minutes (from the most recent meetings) will now be added to this section of the website (please see above) and in Section B of the website Resource Library where a larger collection of officer papers and minutes from past D&S IFCA meetings can also be found.